The non-negotiable, but often neglected aspect of physique transformation
Over my time of being a personal trainer and a body transformation coach I’ve met a great deal of different people. The more clients I see the more clearly I am starting to put together what qualities are truly needed for a major body composition change.
Not just in diet and training, but in character.
And if, with a laser-gun to my head, you force me to choose a single quality that mostly determines the client’s odds for a great body transformation, it would be his commitment to the goal.
Every other aspect of success hinges on the commitment. The best training plan or the best meal plan won’t do jack bauer if you don’t have the commitment. Sure, in the beginning when it is all new and shiny to you those two without commitment can give short term results.
But no one will stay motivated day in and day out. No, not even you. Unless you’re He-Man riding Battle Cat.
If we would have endless supply of motivation everyone would have the movie star physique. And I would end up jobless, sucking my, or other people’s, thumbs in agony.
Back to the real-world
When the initial motivation and excitement wears out so does your compliance. I’ve witnessed this happen to clients enough times to see nightmares about it. I wake up to in the middle of the night soaked in sweat, screaming my lungs out.
Commitment matters because there will be times when you are going to be stressed and tired from work. Combined that with perhaps being frustrated why you are not losing fat on the master plan you’re on.
During those times, commitment is that secret weapon which will deliver you the results.
What to do if you struggle with commitment
You’ve got two options to somewhat outsource your commitment:
Try to find a buddy that is going through a similar journey as you are. Someone who is in the “trenches” with you and understands what you’re dealing with. When you struggle your buddy will “carry” you through, and visa versa.
Just think of Arnold and Franco for inspiration. Or Magnum, P.I. and Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, whatever floats your boat.
The other option is to hire a coach who fits to your needs and understands you. A coach who’s been through what you’re going through. A coach can give you direction, keep you accountable and help you when the motivation fades.
With the best coaches you’ll even get an unlimited number of high-fives and fistpumps to power through when everything else crumbles.